Yad Binyamin
972 54-497-8133
Dina Real Estate
Office Number:
Office Address:
Yad Binyamin

Dina has over 21 years experience buying, selling and managing property for Anglo and Israeli
clients across Israel, particularly specializing in locations such as Jerusalem, Rehovot, Ramat Bet Shemesh and Yad Binyamin. Dina is fluent in both Hebrew and English and understands all your
.needs when it comes to making your first purchase as an Oleh or buying your next home
Listed Properties (1)
House for sale in Yad Binyamin
5,950,000 NISSuper opportunity to join a wonderful community in YAD BINYAMIN. Beautiful 4 storey house for SALE Spacious kitchen with an additional entrance from the car park. Beautiful garden surrounding the house. 2 balconies Large basement Fully air-conditioned 5 full bathrooms (including a jacuzzi) Great neighbours For more details Please call Dina Real Estate 0544-978133 YAD […]
280 m2